MolecularMente is an independent, open-access science news portal dedicated to making science clearer and more accessible to everyone. Every day, we bring you the latest discoveries in the field of neuroscience, collected from laboratories, universities, newspapers, magazines, blogs and major media outlets around the world. Our main goal is to simplify complex scientific topics and make them understandable to a wider audience.
In the Notable Scientists section, we recognize the achievements of female researchers who have shaped the course of science. We celebrate these pioneers and their groundbreaking contributions, highlighting the lasting impact of their work. By sharing their stories, we aim to inspire future generations of scientists to follow the path of innovation and discovery.
Official Mascot, guardian and owner of the two brains on the side
This website has never received financial support from governments, research grants, pharmaceutical companies, large corporations, banks, educational institutions or any other entity with potentially conflicting interests.
Our goal is to disseminate scientific information. We do not recommend or prescribe medications. We do not diagnose. All sources and authors will be available at the end of each article.
We make mistakes. We don’t agree with everything we post. We don’t like everything we post. None of us are experts in every scientific subgenre, language usage, or topic discussed.
We are always looking to improve, and your suggestions are very important to us. In addition, we are constantly looking for original content, such as research articles, reviews, neuroscience posts, news, blog posts, and opinion pieces. We would be happy to receive your work!